Monday, November 8, 2010

Ongoing education

I strongly believe a photographer needs to continue growing and learning and training in new areas. It is so important not to become stagnant and uncreative.

Yesterday Heidi and I went off to another training. This time we were in downtown Seattle at the 5th Ave Red Lion. We went with a small group of photographers to hear Clay Blackmore speak and teach. Clay was classically trained by photography icon Monte Zucker. He runs his studio out of Washington DC. We were very fortunate to get him in Seattle.

Clay taught us to combine the beauty and timelessness of classic portraiture with the spontaneity and appeal of photojournalism. His approach is simple and direct- yet his images make a powerful statement.

It was very inspiring to Heidi and I and really made us want to stretch ourselves, our skills and creativity.

I can't wait to see what new and innovative portraits Heidi and I come up with now!

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