Monday, August 3, 2009

BerryLane Photography Intern- Sophie

This is Sophie- my wonderful new intern. She is visiting the States until October and learning as much as she can about photography while here.

Sophie comes from the Isle of Wight, a small island off the south coast of England.

I'm quite sure she wasn't expecting me to post this image, but it is one of the hazards of working with a photographer! I couldn't resist her positioned up against the stars and stripes of the American flag.

We were up in a very creepy, hot and dark room on the UW Tacoma campus; a special location we were brought to by one of the seniors I was photographing so we could shoot against this ancient mural. Sophie was helping me test the light. Thanks Sophie!
(and for you photo buffs- this was hand held at about 1600 iso, 2.8, 40ss- eek! Windows painted over, fluorescent lights, reflector bouncing light to eyes!)

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