Wednesday, January 4, 2012

I never intended to own an iphone....

Shocking, I know! I was perfectly happy photographing the folks of Tacoma and Gig Harbor and every where else with my sweet little blackberry tagging along with me. Then it died. It froze up and I couldn't do a thing with it.

Now, I have no understanding of the workings of cell phone contracts and upgrades and insurance coverage on phones but for some reason it was less expensive for me to get an iphone than replace my blackberry. I must be one of the very few iphone owners ever to come home with a disgruntled look on their face and a bit of concern on what just happened.

My 14 year old daughter, on the other hand, was beyond excited! Luckily I have had an ipad for a couple years so the learning curve was short. I plugged along using it not really feeling any super excitement until I started playing with the camera and some of the aps available.

Suddenly I was IN LOVE!!!!! I have been taking images every day and stretching my creativity. My whole thought process has changed. There are so many things you can do!

So- about this beautiful picture- I was driving my daughter to school. Yep, back to school, the same old grind, when I saw the most amazing sunrise! I drove up to the school, promptly booted her out and with barely a backward glance I was shooting down the road in search of the perfect view! Once I found it I rolled down my window, whipped out my phone and took the picture.

Ahhh- now I too feel the joys of owning an iphone!

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