Some give it as a baby shower gift, some purchase it on their own when their little one is born, and for some it's something grandma just has to have . . . it's our Berrylane Baby Plan! This darling little guy was a pleasure to meet one year ago, as a newborn. We enjoyed spending time in his home photographing him as his life was just beginning. When I returned for his six-month session, it was so much fun to see how he'd grown. His smile was bigger, and he was sitting up. Most recently, I made another trip to their home for his one-year photos. Wow! He's walking, laughing, chatting, and oh-so-much fun. I've enjoyed my little part in documenting their journey. Mom's comment to me as we walked to the neighborhood park just hit the nail on the head, "Heidi, having you come here and spend time with our family has meant so much to us. Some of my friends have rushed into department stores for quick baby photos, but they don't hold a candle to this experience. Allowing our boy to play in his own surroundings really captures him and our family." Happy 1st Birthday, cutie pie! ~ Heidi